Will you Listen?
The Holy Spirit works between us and God. God uses the Holy Spirit to talk to us and work through us. Just how does the Holy Spirit talk to us?
Are we willing to listen?
Are we willing to act?
But when the Father sends the Advocate as my representative—that is, the Holy Spirit—he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you.
When I worked at Sprint, my job was to be the liaison between the non-technical customer and the PBX (phone) technicians. I gathered all of the installation information from the customer, using words they could understand, speaking in layman’s terms. As I created the spread sheets for their unique installation I was slowly producing the technical data for the technicians to wire and program the system to the customer specifications, all written in technical telephony terminology.
My role was always called the “mom” of the phone installation because all of the direction came from my installation packet. Most of the questions and concerns from the customer AND the techs had to pass through me. It never would have worked if the customer worked directly with the technicians, the conversations between the two wouldn’t make sense to each other, they didn’t speak the same language.
This is how it is with the Holy Spirit, God and us. The Holy Spirit is our liaison with God. He prompts and prods us in the right direction. One question is: Can you hear his voice? The bigger question is: Will you act on it?
This week I’m going to tell you stories of how the Holy Spirit has worked in my life, when I listened and when I didn’t and the consequences.
Dear Lord, please, help me to learn to listen to the Holy Spirit and act up on the promptings given to me.